My kids brown bag it to lunch at school more often than not. Well, maybe not in a true brown bag since that wouldn't be nearly as cool as the colorful or character lunch boxes they take these days. And they're not really even boxes...they're more like rectangular shaped carriers made out of some strong fabric material. But whatever you call them, they serve the purpose of transporting their lunches to school on days they choose not to buy.

My goal is to have a little part of me go in each of these lunch boxes - a little snippet of Daddy. A little laughter, a little cleverness, a little inside joke, a little rhyming...and a ton of love. I want my kids to be reminded every time they open their lunch at school how much they mean to me. How much I love them. And maybe be a little entertained in the process.

So every lunch I make has notes in the lunch box. You should try it too! Feel free to use any of the notes you see in this blog in your own kids' lunches. Or use them to be inspired to write your own.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vote for Dad!

Notes like this one work around sweet Halloween or Easter.

This one was written around the last presidential election, when voting was being talked about constantly at schools.

I was a shoe-in of course!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

That awful hairstyle...

My daughters have two little brothers, so sometimes it's fun to incorporate them into the notes:

Ah, the Biebster.  The kid's got a bit of talent, support from a lot of big name artists, and the most annoying hair style known to man.  The wind blown from behind look?  Arrrrggggg!  But tweens and young teens seem to love him...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Keepin' it Simple

Did I say every weekday?  Well, around the holidays I can't be held to that standard!  Anyway, a lot of these notes are simple, and that's all they really have to be.  Like this one: would be cool!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gotta start somewhere... Welcome to Post #1!

Thanks for checking out this little blog. I really hope that you're putting notes in the lunches of your school age children. It really means a lot to them whether they express those feelings to you or not.

I remember back when I had just started to put notes in my daughters' lunches I had a day where I simply forgot to write the notes. My oldest, Brianna, came up to me when I got home from work and said some very simple but very meaningful words - "Daddy, I was really disappointed when I couldn't find a note in my lunch today." Aha! They do mean a lot to her!

Another time my second oldest was chatting with my wife about starting to buy her lunch at school. During the conversation Allie paused when a thought hit her and said, "But wait Mommy...if I start to buy my lunch a lot that means I won't get Daddy's notes those days." Aha! My creativity is paying off!

Don't get me wrong - I'm not writing Shakespeare in these notes, or taking hours to compose them. They're usually just fun, silly little rhyming things. Sometimes sentimental, often seasonal, and always age appropriate. I try to remember how 4th and 5th graders think and gear the notes toward what they would find funny or topical.

I'm going to try to post at least one of my notes every weekday. They'll by no means be in chronological order of when they were least not yet. I have a huge stack of them to share with you first! Here are some notes to get the ball rolling:

Yes, it's true, I went through a big "Roses are red" note phase. It's kind of my fall back for when I'm in a hurry or not feeling particularly inspired, so you'll see a lot of them. Here's one more:

In the spirit of Christmas, here are some seasonal notes:

(Technically...there's a LONG time between Christmas and Thanksgiving. And a relatively short time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But my girls knew what I meant...and trust me, it's a lot harder to find words that rhyme with Christmas than it is Thanksgiving!)

Like the Santa note above, I do try to write the occasional joke:

There are some notes that would apply to my kids only...but you can still take the ideas and adapt them to your own.

I look forward to sharing more of these notes with you!